Friday, March 9, 2018

Chrome internal pages

Google Chrome's internal chrome:// pages contain experimental features, diagnostic tools and detailed statistics. You can access each by typing chrome://, followed by the name of the page — you can also use the more traditional about: prefix, which redirects you to the chrome:// URL.

The chrome://about page lists all Chrome’s internal pages. Similar to chrome://chrome-urls/ page.

The chrome://flags page is probably the most interesting internal page. This page contains a treasure trove of experimental features that aren’t yet enabled by default. Use it at your own risk.

The chrome://net-internals page is packed full of network diagnostic information and tools. It can capture network data and dump it to a file, making it a useful tool for troubleshooting Chrome network problems.

The chrome://crashes page lists crashes that have occurred.

The chrome://tracing page is a developer tool that allows you to analyze Chrome’s performance. Click Record and Chrome will start logging browser activity.

The chrome://version/ page will show chrome version

The chrome://cache/ page shows cached pages in Chrome

The chrome://download-internals/ page shows download details

The chrome://extensions/ page is to list all extensions

The chrome://indexeddb-internals/ page is for indexed db details from each web site.

The chrome://quota-internals/ page is to show disk usage info.

The chrome://settings/ page is to configure chrome with advanced settings.